Press Releases

CIMAC WG21 Position Paper con-noncon
What do the terms conventional and unconventional mean? In everyday life, this question may be rather unimportant and always open to redefinition. In a technological context, however, it becomes .. more
CIMAC CONGRESS: six month to go
Zurich, a city with around 450,000 inhabitants, is primarily known for its role in the banking and finance sectors and the picturesque Lake Zurich. However, from May 19 to 23, 2025, Zurich will .. more
CIMAC CONGRESS: 300 days to go
In 300 days, on 19 May 2025, the 31st CIMAC World Congress will open its doors. For one week, Zurich will be the world capital of the industry dealing with large engines, power, drives and .. more
CIMAC: Consultative status granted by IMO
 CIMAC: Consultative status granted by IMO CIMAC has been officially granted consultative status with the International Maritime Organization (IMO). Earlier this year, CIMAC had submitted its .. more
Charlotte Røjgaard joins CIMAC Board
  Charlotte Røjgaard joins CIMAC Board CIMAC welcomes Charlotte Røjgaard, Bureau Veritas, as a new Board member. She will act as Vice President Working Groups. .. more
CIMAC Congress: Call for papers launched
CIMAC Congress: Call for papers launched -  More than 700 experts from all over the world attended over 200 presentations given during the CIMAC Congress in 2023. Now, the call for papers for .. more
CIMAC on MEPC 81: right course, with potential for more speed -  The 81st session of the International Maritime Organizations (IMO) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC) has set .. more
CIMAC World Congress 2023 has started
Today, the 30th CIMAC Congress has opened its doors in Busan, Korea. The Congress will last until June 16. It is a unique opportunity for stakeholders to keep up to date with what is happening in .. more
CIMAC World Congress: one year to go
Usually every 3 years, the large engine industry meets during the CIMAC World Congress. Due to COVID-19, the congress had to be postponed from 2022 to 2023. Now, in exactly one year, the waiting .. more
CIMAC World Congress is postponed to June 2023
Usually, the large engine industry meets every 3 years at the CIMAC World Congress. But due to the ongoing pandemic and with companies and governments deploying tighter travel restrictions, the .. more
CIMAC mourn Axel Kettmann's death
CIMAC’s Vice President Axel Kettmann died on Monday, 21st January, at the age of 62 after a serious illness. The association has lost a companion who was extremely committed to the .. more
February 2016 - CIMAC Congress - Users' Day
The CIMAC World Congress in the field of Large Diesel and Gas Engines is one of the biggest events of its kind worldwide and this year the comprehensive programme is bigger than ever before. To .. more
January 2016 - CIMAC Congress
The 28th CIMAC World Congress is one of the most important international events in the field of Large Diesel and Gas Engines and will take place from 6 - 10 June 2016 in Helsinki, Finland. For a .. more
Michael Herrmann
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