This March, CIMAC proudly participated in the 49th session of the Facilitation Committee (FAL) at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London. As part of our continued commitment to .. more
In July 2024, CIMAC was officially granted consultative status with the International Maritime Organization (IMO). At the 11th session of the IMO’s Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and .. more
Mid of February, the IMO sub-committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW) has been holding its eleventh session. Eero Lehtovaara, Vice President of Digitalization on the CIMAC .. more
The sub-committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC) of the IMO deals with a wide range of technical and operational matters related to ship design and construction. Its 11th session took .. more
From May 19 to 23, 2025, Zurich will become the global center for the large engines, drives and propulsion industry. More than 700 experts from around the world attended the last congress in .. more
CIMAC members regularly raise issues which no individual company can make progress. CIMAC then arranges for international specialists amongst the members to form a Working Group to resolve these .. more
Working and Strategy Groups are the driving force behind CIMAC. Now, mid December 2024, as part of the so-called Meeting Week, their members, international specialists from companies around the .. more
In early December, the Maritime Safety Committee met at the International Maritime Organization headquarters in London for its 109th session. These topics were on the agenda:
Goal-based .. more
CIMAC Board and CIMAC Council now held meetings in Frankfurt/Germany. These meetings at the same time in one location always provide a good opportunity for networking and direct exchange. Almost .. more
The CIMAC Digitalization Strategy Group consisting of representatives from engine manufacturers, component suppliers, engineering companies, classification societies, system integration solution .. more
In July this year, CIMAC has been officially granted consultative status with the International Maritime Organization (IMO). This is now increasingly reflected in the work of the organization and .. more
London International Shipping Week (LISW) is one of the important international shipping and maritime events in the world. In 2023, LISW attracted over 30,000 participants, more than 70 .. more
The CIMAC WG Fuels has issued a statement on the US Gulf challenges early to mid 2023. Mainly during the period between March and July, an uncharacteristic number of operational engine issues were .. more
CIMAC and its Chinese National Member Association CSICE (Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines) are inviting to the 13th CIMAC CASCADES event which will be held on Thursday, 15 August, .. more
SMM is the leading trade fair for the maritime industry. Around 40,000 participants from over 120 countries and around 2,000 exhibitors are expected at SMM 2024. When 2,000 exhibiting companies .. more
A CIMAC CASCADES will take place on September 11 in Rostock/Germany. The format is intended to introduce and inspire young people to the industry and the topic of large engines. The event in .. more
The call for papers is closed! Until the deadline end of June, some 500 papers have been submitted for the three categories full presentations incl. Q&A, posters and Pecha Kucha. This once .. more
CIMAC kicked off its presence at the international shipping exhibition Posidonia with a beautiful event in Glyfada and welcomed the newly founded NMA Hellas to the CIMAC community.
CIMAC Board .. more
Mid April, the CIMAC Working Groups 7 (Fuels) with their chair Dr. Bartosz Rozmyslowicz (WinGD) and secretary, John Stirling (World Fuel Services) met at Maersk’s offices in Copenhagen.
The .. more
After many years of waiting and postponements due to Covid-19, Past President Prof. Jin Donghan now invited CIMAC Board & Council members to Tianjin/China for the 2024 spring meeting. The .. more
Marko Dekena, Vice President Working Groups, has decided to leave the CIMAC board after many years in various roles. “Time for us to say thank you, Marko, you have been a central figure .. more
The next CIMAC board and council meetings are just around the corner. We will have the board spring meeting Thursday, April 18, and the CIMAC council spring meeting on Friday, April 19, 2024. Both .. more
Every three years, CIMAC holds the CIMAC World Congress. The 30th CIMAC World Congress held 2023 in Busan with over 200 presentations, discussion panels, poster sessions, social events and .. more
As you have probably heard already, CIMAC recently submitted its application to the International Maritime Organisation. IMO is the United Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the .. more