CIMAC Newsletter March 2025The excitement is rising as we approach the CIMAC Congress in Zurich, now just two and a half months away. Have you secured your ticket and booked your hotel yet? If not, .. more
CIMAC Newsletter January 2025An exciting year 2024 lies behind us, and a year 2025 that will certainly be no less exciting lies ahead. We, or rather CIMAC, have achieved a great deal in 2024; just .. more
CIMAC Newsletter November 2024Next May, in about six month from now, the time will have come: the CIMAC CONGRESS will open its doors in Zurich, Switzerland. For one week, the city will be the .. more
CIMAC Newsletter September 2024A whole series of events were and are still on CIMAC's big list. The CIMAC CASCADES in China have already taken place, a CASCADES in Germany is still to come, and .. more
CIMAC Newsletter July 2024 How time flies. It's already summer again and the next CIMAC CONGRESS is just eleven months away. Preparations are in full swing. The call for papers is over and now it's .. more
CIMAC Newsletter May 2024Finally, the Board & Council meeting could take place face-to-face in China, as it had been planned for a long time. It was a very fruitful meeting characterized by a .. more
CIMAC Newsletter April 2024Big events cast their shadows ahead: the Call for Papers for the upcoming CIMAC Congress is out! We are already looking forward to numerous proposals. For the 2023 .. more
CIMAC Newsletter February 2024An exciting new year has just begun. A lot is changing in the world, and CIMAC also has to keep adapting to the changing conditions and is doing so. We have now done .. more
CIMAC Season's greetings December 2023Dear recipients,An exciting, sometimes surprising, sometimes shocking year is coming to an end. It has brought many changes, both good and bad, and has shown .. more
CIMAC Newsletter September 2023Dear recipient,It is a couple of weeks already since I took over from Prof. Donghan Jin as CIMAC President at the 30th World Congress of CIMAC. I would like to .. more
CIMAC Newsletter July 2023I am greeting you from back home in Frankfurt, I trust all of you travelled safely home from Busan. It was a great pleasure to be meeting all of you in person in South .. more
CIMAC Newsletter June 2023In a few days, the long wait will finally be over. That's when the CIMAC Congress begins in Busan. I am very much looking forward to meeting experts from all over the .. more
CIMAC Newsletter May 2023Finally, on June 12, after many months of preparation, the CIMAC CONGRESS will open its doors. There are only a few weeks left now. We have all put a lot of work and heart .. more
CIMAC Newsletter April 2023 - CONGRESS specialTime flies. Easter is almost there, only roughly two months are left until the CIMAC Congress 2023 starts. Have you already registered, chosen a hotel, .. more
CIMAC Newsletter March 2023Dear CIMAC community,being rather new to the community and to the industry itself, I really enjoy and appreciate the very active membership within CIMAC community. From .. more
CIMAC Newsletter February 2023
2023 certainly doesn't seem like it's going to be a boring year. A lot is on the move, both positively and negatively. This also means that we at .. more
CIMAC Newsletter January 2023
I hope you had a good start into the NEW YEAR 2023!
The year that lies before us will bring many challenges, that is for sure. I look forward to .. more
CIMAC Newsletter December 2022
In our December Newsletter, we continue to bring you the latest news, activities and events from CIMAC and give you first insights in what is .. more
CIMAC Newsletter November 2022
Dear Recipient,You haven't received a newsletter from us for a while. Now we are re-starting our reporting. We are planning to keep you posted .. more